Monday, May 19, 2014

The John, Lynne and Nicole Belli 2014 Memorial Scholarships

  • Belli Scholarships will be awarded in Summer 2014
  • Provide $5000 annually for college expenses including tuition, books and fees
  • Renewable for up to four years of documented college coursework (must maintain a 2.0 college GPA)
  • Students must apply in their senior year of high school
  • Students must receive a College Preparatory diploma at graduation
  • Students must attach ONE current letter of acceptance to a college or university
  • Athletic talents and/or demonstrated leadership not required - Top 5% Senior Class NOT eligible
  • Students must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA at high school graduation to receive the scholarship
  • Students must have TWO recommendation letters (ONE from two different CORE subject teachers) substantiating student's ability to be successful in college level coursework.
  • Subject a one-page essay on family situation and educational and career goals.
  • Minority, immigrant and economically disadvantaged students will be given priority in awarding this scholarship.
Required Essay:
Write a one page essay describing your future plans, including educational and career goals. If you are a minority, immigrant and/or economically disadvantaged, please refer specifically to this information in your essay.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Goedeker's College Scholarship

Applying for a scholarship
Write an essay about why attending college and your field of study are important to you. Give us some insight into your personal background, your philosophy about learning, why you chose your field in particular, and any other information you feel is relevant. These will be judged based on originality, creativity, organization of thought, and proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Awards Available
The grand prize is a $500 scholarship. Two $100 scholarships will also be awarded to honorable mention entries.

This scholarship applies toward the fall semester. It is not meant to cover theexpenses of summer classes.

These scholarships will be granted through our contest annually.

Submission Requirements
  • Essay length should be 300 words minimum
  • Proof that you have a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • For homeshoolers: provide a parent-generated transcript
  • Clear contact information (name, mailing address, preferred means of contact)
  • A few sentences about yourself and a recent photo of yourself which will be used for publicity purposes on the Goedeker's Home Life blog
  • Proof that you are enrolled in an accredited college for the spring 2014 semester OR proof that you have been accepted at an accredited college for the fall semester
Please attach the items listed above to an email and send them to Liz. Her email address is with the subject line "Scholarship Essay Entry - (your name)."

ANY  student that is enrolled in an accredited college is eligible to participate.

Deadline to Enter
We will consider submissions of essays intil the entry deadline, which is July 31, 2014, at 12am CDT.

Friday, May 9, 2014