Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Columbus State University

Students may apply online by visiting and clicking on the “Forms: link on the left. The application deadline is January 31, 2014.

The amount of the scholarship is $2,500 per year, which is in addition to HOPE and any other financial awards. In return, students have the opportunity to serve in a community agency during the fifteen-week semester; mentor an at-risk child at a local elementary school weekly; and go on retreats and participate in social functions. Students enroll in a leadership seminar for academic credit each semester of their college career and in campus organizations such as Student Government Association, the Resident Hall Association and the Student Activities Council.

Recipients are competitively selected on the basis of demonstrated potential in the areas of leadership, service, academics, and commitment to the development of self and others. While there is no strict requirement in terms of SAT scores, students are expected to have at least a 3.0 average in high school and to show evidence that they can maintain a 3.0 average in college.


Friday, December 7, 2012

University of West Georgia

UWG’s Foundation Scholarship Program is a competitive merit scholarship progam designed to recognize academic success with a combined total of $25,000 in scholarships, in the amount of either $2,000 or $3,000. These scholarships cannot be combined with any additional institutional scholarships and are only available during your freshman year; however, they can be combined with the HOPE Scholarship.

-Acceptance to the University
-3.5 minimum GPA on the college preparatory subjects as calculated by the Office of Admissions.
-SAT Critical Reading score of 550 minimum (or ACT English score of 24)
-SAT Math score 550 minimum (or ACT Math score of 23)
-Academic Resume

Due by February 1, 2014.

For more information on scholarships visit:

The American Legion

Get Money for College

Scholarship ad financial aid information at your fingertips!

For more information visit:

The Momentum Scholarship

The Momentum Scholarship Recipients will enjoy:

-scholarship funds from $14,000 up to full tuition
-special leadership opportunities, both academic and co-curricular
-personal leadership success coach who is a leader in the Columbia community
-the option to live with other Momentum Scholars

Candidates Must Demonstrate

-high school or community involvement
-courage and motivation
-commitment to learning and being actively engaged
-potential for leadership

Candidates May Be Nominated By Any Of The Following

-high school principals, guidance counselors, or teachers
-church and community leaders
-Columbia college alumnae

Nominations will be accepted through November 15, 2013
Momentum Application deadline is November 30, 2013
Regional Interviews are January 11, 2014

BigSun Scholarship

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in.

Deadline- June 21, 2013

Amount of Award- $500.00

Better Business Bureau

BBB is proud to announce the call for entries for our 2014 Student of Integrity Scholarships.  Our scholarship program is funded by our Educational Foundation and each year we give six $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who will be graduating in 2014.

We will begin accepting entries November 1, 2013 and the deadline for entries will be January 31, 2014.
2014 Student of Integrity Scholarship: Topic & Instructions
Students must write an essay, not to exceed 500 words, based on the following topic:  The importance of the Better Business Bureau in today's marketplace.

Students may write the essay in any form they wish.  Judging will be done on how well students captured the essence of the topic and their creativity in responding.
Students must also submit the following:
1. A copy of the student’s transcript *Please note, if the transcript is sealed, please unseal and make copies.
2. A one page letter that explains the student’s leadership skills and community activities or service.
Once completed, student must make three copies each of the entry form, essay, transcript and letter of additional information and place in pocket folders.
3. Mail the one large envelope to Dottie Callina, BBB, 503 Oak Place, Suite 590, Atlanta, GA 30349

If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact Dottie Callina at 404-762-4406 or

Gwinnett County Farm Bureau

Gwinnett County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce the 2013 agriculture scholarship program. Gwinnett County Farm Bureau will award (3) $1500 scholarships to those who meet the criteria. All winners will be announced in May 2013. The scholarship checks will be distributed in the summer of 2013 upon confirmation by the student of their college/university and major area of study as listed in the criteria.

All applications must be approved and signed by the County President.

For more information regarding or scholarships, please contact the office at 770-963-6209

George W. Jenkins Scholarship

The George W. Jenkins scholarship program was established through the generosity of Publix Super Markets Charities, and the University of Miami in honor of Publix founder George W. Jenkins. The scholarship is awarded to high school graduates with strong academic credentials, significant financial need and a history of overcoming significant adversity.

The scholarship covers the annual costs for tuition, fees, on-campus room and board, books, and personal expenses at the University of Miami. The scholarship is valued at over $50,000 for the 2013-2014 academic year.

All nominations must be submitted by December 1,2012.


If You Are A Georgia High School Graduate Planning On A Career In Aviation, And Need Help Paying For College, Then Perhaps We Can Help!

The scholarship is available to:

-Georgia high school graduates (3.00 GPA or better)

If you are attending college in the Fall of 2014, look for our scholarship application in the fall of 2013 at,