Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Atlanta Association of Legal Administrators Gene Henson Scholarship Program


The Atlanta Association of Legal Administration (AALA) is a not-for-profit association founded in 1977. Our members are legal managers actively employed by law firms, legal departments of corporations and private institutions, and the legal divisions of government agencies as officers, directors and managers. We are also a chapter of Association of Legal Administrators, a worldwide organization of legal management professionals. 

Our mission is to provide ongoing training and continuing education for our members, and to support education in our community. The Atlanta Association of Legal Administrators Foundation, INC., a 501 (c)(3) organization, sponsors a scholarship to be awarded to an outstanding senior enrolled in one of out local high schools who is interested in attending one of Georgia's accredited higher learning institutions. Seniors attending public or not for profit high schools are eligible to participate. 

We request that you, as  your school's scholarship representatives, select and nominate two candidates from the senior class to our Association writing. The criteria for participation in our scholarship program are as follows: 
  • The candidate must be a United States citizen
  • The candidate must be planning to attend a four-year college, university or specialized course of instruction Within the state if Georgia, including private institutions. 
  • Scholastic achievement in the current academic year and overall grade point average through high school. A copy of the students academic record and SAT scores are required.
  • List of extracurricular activities
  • Enumeration of community work 
  • A written essay (750 words or less) describing the candidate's thought and opinion on a current event happening either locally, nationally, or internationally. AALA would like the candidate to choose an event happening at the this time and give their thoughts on the impact of this event it is unfolding at this time and how they feel this event will impact the world five years from now. 
  • A letter confirming that the student has been accepted and will be attending a higher learning institution the following fall semester. 
  • A personal interview with the member of the Scholarship Program Committee
  • Financial Need; annual household income will be considered. 
In recommending the school's nominees, you will be attesting to the fact that the candidates are qualified to compete for the scholarship award and successfully matriculate in a four-year college or specialized course of instruction. The qualified candidate will be awarded a scholarship in the amount of $10,000.00. The amount will be paid over the course of two semesters or the equivalent of one school year ( not including summer ). The student will receive $5,000 for each semester which will be paid at the beginning of each semester. At the end of the first semester, the student is required to submit an official transcript to the Scholarship Chairperson as proof of a 3.0 GPA or higher. At that time, a second payment of $5,000 will be issued. The student must remain in school and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher at all times or forfeit future scholarship money. If possible at the school the scholarship winner attends, the scholarship will be mailed directly to the school to be deposited into an account for the winner's use. It shall be the winner's responsibility to provide the correct mailing address for the registrar's office at their college or university. 

Students who are affiliated with the board or scholarships committee members of the Atlanta Association of Legal Administrations or Associations of Legal Administrations are ineligible. Applicants will be asked to sign a statement of non-affiliation ( attached ).

Nominations, including completed packages are to be postmarked no later than Sunday, April 14, 2018 and addressed to : 
Stacy Rodenhiser
Chair, Gene Henson Scholarship Committee
Atlanta Association of Legal Administratiors
21 Cliftwood Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30328

Incomplete packages will be immediately disqualified. Selected students may be asked to interview with out committee in person or by telephone. We hope to notify the recipient of the scholarship awarded by May 11, 2018. The Student may be asked to attend an AALA event during 2018 to receive recognition of the scholarship.

Should you have any questions or require any additional information, you may reach me at (404) 617-2384. Thank you for your prompt attention.

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