Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Metro Atlanta Relocation Council 2017 Scholarship


The Metro Atlanta Relocation Council (MARC) is a non-profit organization that provides corporate and service industry relocation professionals the opportunity to meet and work together on a regular basis to educate, to learn and to share knowledge and experiences about current relocation practices and emerging relocation issues in an effort to better serve and address the diverse needs of relocating employees and their families. As part of our commitment to Relocation, MARC has developed a scholarship program for current high school seniors who have relocated into the Atlanta area sometime between grades 9 (after 8th grade graduation) and 12.

A one-time award of $1,500 will be presented to an Atlanta area high school senior
this year (Residence eligibility is defined as a senior attending a private or public school
in any city or county district within the 15-County Greater Atlanta Area)

The area will be sent directly to the college that the student will be attending to assist with tuition, etc. 

The MARC organization will select the scholarship winner based on the strength of their total application. The student will be evaluated based on the following.
  1.  Academic performance (as validated by transcripts from the counselor's office)
  2. Extra-curricular activities (to be provided along with the application and essay)
  3. The student's essay addressing the challenges associated with relocating to a new area and a new high school (please see greater details regarding the essay requirements below)


Applicants must meet these requirements:
  • Currently a senior in good standing in an Atlanta area high school
  • Has relocated more than 50 miles and changed schools due to their family's relocation between grades 9-12
  • Currently have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (or equivalent if different scale)

Please submit the following information
  1.  Your completed application, signed by your Guidance Department
  2. Your grade transcripts, provided by your Guidance Department
  3. Please list (on a separate sheet) all your extra-curricular activities and work experience during high school
  4. ESSAY GUIDELINES: Please write an essay telling us about your experiences associated with your relocation into the Atlanta area. Please feel free to discuss: 
  • your family background
  • reasons for relocation
  • the challenges encountered with relocation
  • the successes you achieved 
  • importantly, please feel free to include any advice that you would give to another teenager preparing to relocate
  • the essay should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words and must be emailed in a Word document format
Completed applications must be received no later than 5:00 pm, Friday, February 24, 2017, No exceptions. The scholarship will be awarded at our MARC Spring Meeting, to be held in April, where the winner and their parent(s) are cordially invited to attend. the winner will participate in a brief question and answer session, to allow the audience a chance to meet them and hear about their experience first-hand!

To reiterate, please submit the following:

  1. Signed application
  2. Grade transcripts
  3. List of extracurricular activities 
  4. Essay (as a word document)
Either by Email or Fax
Deadline: 5:00 pm on Friday, February 24, 2017 - no exceptions 

If you have any questions, please contact either:

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