If you have any questions please feel free to contact enielsen@valdosta.edu
Theatre And Dance Auditions
2013-2014 Academic Year
August 13/Tues.: On-campus dance major auditions
6 P.M.
University Center 2108/Dance studio
Feb. 1/Sat.: On-campus theatre and dance auditions
12:30 P.M. Dance major/musical theatre track auditions (dance portion)
University Center 2108/Dance studio
2:30 P.M. (estimated time) Vocal and acting auditions for theatre performance
track and musical theatre track auditionees. Also portfolio presentations for
production track auditonees /Sawyer Theater.
Feb. 2/Sun.: Off-campus dance major auditions
1 P.M. Cumming Dance Academy, Cumming, GA
Feb. 16/Sun.: Off-campus theatre and dance auditions/Atlanta area
Time and location TBA
Feb. 17/Mon.: Off-campus theatre and dance auditions/Atlanta area
Time and location TBA
Feb. 22/Sat.: On-campus theatre and dance auditions
10 AM Dance major and musical theatre auditions (dance portion)
University Center 2108/Dance studio
1 P.M. Vocal and acting auditions for theatre performance
track and musical theatre track auditionees. Also portfolio presentations
for production track auditionees /Sawyer Theater.