- Belli Scholarships will be awarded in Summer 2014
- Provide $5000 annually for college expenses including tuition, books and fees
- Renewable for up to four years of documented college coursework (must maintain a 2.0 college GPA)
- Students must apply in their senior year of high school
- Students must receive a College Preparatory diploma at graduation
- Students must attach ONE current letter of acceptance to a college or university
- Athletic talents and/or demonstrated leadership not required - Top 5% Senior Class NOT eligible
- Students must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA at high school graduation to receive the scholarship
- Students must have TWO recommendation letters (ONE from two different CORE subject teachers) substantiating student's ability to be successful in college level coursework.
- Subject a one-page essay on family situation and educational and career goals.
- Minority, immigrant and economically disadvantaged students will be given priority in awarding this scholarship.
Write a one page essay describing your future plans, including educational and career goals. If you are a minority, immigrant and/or economically disadvantaged, please refer specifically to this information in your essay.